The project European Orchestra is a two- year Erasmus plus strategic school partnership.
This project brings together European countries and partners where the music education has a particular significance and importance, with a special emphasize on the positive influence it has on the special needs students.
-Thematic field of the project involves: Active citizenship, Inclusive approaches, School improvement and quality evaluation, European citizenship and dimension.
-Main language used for the trainings will be English.
-Profile of the participants: School education, Local body and Ngos
-Target audience will be: Teachers and students from Primary and Secondary schools, including special needs students.
Its main objective is to introduce and explore a wide range of free available music technologies and learning tools that provide extra motivation for students and is based on their interests and everyday reality . Participants in the project will work with sensitiveness to individual differences, in order to be prepared to meet different cultures. We first intend to enhance our learners’ motivation and investment in learning foreign languages and music skills since some of these skills are basic in the labour market and allow them to develop their future competences. On the other hand, we want to offer them an opportunity to meet their European neighbours, discover European cultures in native place, put forward their own culture, broaden their cultural horizons, and thus, build their European citizenship.
We consider studying different music from different cultures and comparing them as a crucial starting point in educational process nowadays. Music education in Europe is becoming more open to all, with a great emphasize on the International Global element that is recognizable in every song.
It may seem that young people intuitively use music in everyday life or are surrounded by it in local cafes, tv, e.t.c. and hence have no need of musical education or training. on the other hand, many teachers and educators would like to integrate music into their lessons, but do not know how.
All partners carried out a research in their countries to check if the students and the teachers are equipped in musical skills: it became clear that young people are not educated musically enough and teachers do not possess the skills for effective use of music that would make lessons more interesting for the pupils. what's more, they all underestimate the importance of musical integration into education and the positive influence it has on pupils with special needs since music tends to be one of the top motivators for children with special needs in the education system.
Using captivating instruments prompts a child to make requests, the use of different instruments encourages the development of motor skills and the child is more willing to work through an activity by using music in a challenging way. That is one of the reasons we think the this topic is very important in order to get familiar with the other best European practices and share experiences. Every country has different experience in using different teaching methods.
We consider studying different music from different cultures and comparing them as a crucial starting point in educational process nowadays. Music education in Europe is becoming more open to all, with a great emphasize on the International Global element that is recognizable in every song. Globalization, the vast increase in intercultural communication and interaction, and the cultural diversity in today’s classrooms create a demand for a new orientation in education and the implementation of school programs that will adopt global perspectives and promote intercultural understanding and respect.
-Reflecting on this need, we focus on discovering common melodies of folk songs of partner countries and publish a unique music education book with implementations and sample songs.
-Moreover, folk stories will be presented and turned to a play. Music teachers will be trained about multicultural music education and international teaching-learning techniques and approaches including special education needs.
-A common orchestra and choir will be established.
-Our project inspires and motivates students and teachers in the importance of music education through folk songs using cross cultural curriculum beyond borders. With the approval of our project, a collabrative environment is going to be created in order to improve soft skills of both students and teachers that encourage team work. Discussing these individual experiences and process in groups of national and international teams will hopefully lead to new horizons in student's and teacher's life-both mentally and emotionally.
Project Summary
- Project Summary
- Project Partnership
- SWOT Analysis
- Project Timeline
- Competition-designing the logo
- Preparing the students for orchestra
- Turkey Diss
- Macedonia Diss
- Italy Diss
- Spain Diss
- Estonia Diss
- Slovenia Diss
- Brochure
- Tales of the Songs
- Photo Exhibition of street musicions
- Parents Seminar
- Teaching Music pupils with special education
- Music Book
- Digital Museum of Musical Instruments
Monday, July 29, 2019
Italy Diss
European Orchestra: il secondo
meeting a Bitonto
Luglio 2019
Il 15 Luglio la città di
Bitonto ha ospitato il secondo meeting del progetto europeo European orchestra, finanziato
nell’ambito del programma Erasmus Plus, Azione Chiave 2 partenariati strategici
per lo scambio di buone pratiche nel settore dell’educazione scolastica, di cui
la cooperativa sociale Sinergia di Bitonto è partner insieme a organizzazioni
pubbliche e private di Nord Macedonia
(Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency - SPPMD), Turchia (Bakirkoy
Directorate of National Education), Estonia (Võru Kreutzwaldi Kool) Slovacchia
(Nuestra Señora de la Victoria – Maristas)
Il focus del
progetto è la promozione dell’educazione musicale nella scuola primaria e
secondaria, attraverso la scoperta
e valorizzazione della musica folk quale veicolo di conoscenze e dialogo
interculturale, e di competenze trasversali relative alla prevenzione delle
forme di discriminazione, bullismo, e disparità nei risultati di apprendimento.
Il piano di
lavoro prevede la realizzazione di un museo musicale digitale che conterrà i
materiali didattici relativi alle musiche popolari che ogni paese andrà a
valorizzare, e di un ‘Music Education Book’.
particolare, Sinergia intende promuovere la valorizzazione delle musiche della
tradizione pugliese (taranta, pizzica etc.) con un approfondimento, oltre che
prettamente musicale anche culturale (danze, storie tradizionali etc).
Per ricevere ulteriori informazioni è
- Visitare la pagina Facebook Sinergia
- Visitare la pagina Facebook del progetto European Orchestra
- Contattare direttamente all’indirizzo mail
![Açıklama: Immagine che contiene persona, gruppo, parete, posando
Descrizione generata automaticamente](file:///C:/Users/aa/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.jpg)
Project Timeline
Project timetable(September 2018-September 2020)
Project activities
A1-Completition of Erasmus teams/ Lauching a blog/website/fb and e
twinning project registration
A2-Partnership SWOT analysis
A3-Establishing Erasmus corners in each school
A4-Preparing the group for quire and orchestra
A5-Competition-designing the logo
A6-Editing a project brochure
A7-Sharing presentations regarding music teaching techniques
A8-Preparing activities for the 1st TM in Macedonia
M1-TM in Macedonia
A9-Feedback/dissemination on the TM in Macedonia
A10-Creating a play musical from a folk tale
A11-Choosing students participants for the drama
A12-Photo exhibition of street musicions at schools
A13-Seminar for parents on the importance of music education
A14-Preparing presentations for the 2nd TM in Italy
M2-TM in Italy
A15-Feedback/dissemination on the TM in Italy
A16-Sharing power point presentations and videos on teaching music
pupils with special needs
A17-Preparations of the group for the first C1, making power point
presentations, videos and choir and orchestra practice and sharing the
presentations on e twinning
C1-Short-term exchange of groups of pupils
A18-Feedback/dissemination activities on C2,display outcomes and
video presentations
A19-Implementation of Makey Monkey(making piano musical with
coding) by video conference
A20-Preparations for the third TM in Turkey
M3-TM in Turkey
A21- Feedback/dissemination on the TM in Turkey
A22-Presentations of the cultural instruments of the countries
A23-Preparations for the second C2/choir rehersals for the quire
competition and preparing the text for the common musical play/rehearsals /preparations
of pp presentations/videos
C2-Short-term exchange of pupils
A24- Feedback/dissemination on the exchange
A25-Publishing the Music Education Book
A26-Launching the Digital museum of musical instruments
M4-TM in Estonia
A27-- Feedback/dissemination on the exchange
A28-Publishing the Book Drama for kids
A29-Distributing brochures about the activities of the project
during the 2 years of the partnership
A30-Performance of the choirs in the Music hall of their
A31-Completing all the activities of the project on e twinning
A32-Dissemination of the project in the Municipalities
A33-Coordinators write the final report
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Project Summary
The project European Orchestra is a two- year Erasmus plus strategic school partnership. This project brings together European countries a...
The project European Orchestra is a two- year Erasmus plus strategic school partnership. This project brings together European countries a...